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Hey, I am Ruslan,

SEO Freelancer from Germany

I have been designing and developing websites for over two decades, with a particular focus on technical SEO for the last 14 years.

Apart from that, I have mastered countless projects, 300+ of them in cooperation with my main agency trafficdesign GmbH.

Ruslan Julbarissow - SEO Freelancer for technical SEO
Disclaimer: Not every project has the visibility potential I want to invest time and effort in. Whether yours is one of them, I'll let you know honestly.

Overview of my SEO services

Technical SEO Audit

Analysis: In my technical SEO audits, I examine all important aspects of your website. I identify technical deficiencies, analyze the structure, meta tags, loading speed and other critical SEO elements.

Optimization: After the analysis, I focus on eliminating these weaknesses, preferably with your developers.

More about SEO Audits

Support for relaunches / domain changes / migrations

Planning: Website relaunches are all about maintaining visibility and avoiding a plethora of 400 errors. There is also potential here to optimize your new structure and clean up the Google index.

Aftercare: After the relaunch, I check the server logs and monitor the rankings to make sure that nothing has been overlooked.

More about relaunch support

Shopify SEO

In recent years, Shopify SEO has been increasingly requested as a service. Unfortunately, Shopify still makes it quite difficult to implement the most normal SEO requirements without the use of countless apps.

Since then, I have worked on several stores and even created and optimized a Multilanguage Shopify store for a client. The result is impressive!

More about Shopify SEO

SEO Monitoring

I'm happy to set up alerts for you, monitor your development and create(automated) Datastudio / Looker reports.

I am not an online marketing agency that charges 12 hours a month for their whitelabel report.

SEO sparring for freelancers & agencies

Four eyes are usually better than two. I would be happy to join your Slack channel and act as a sparring partner.

You should already have an SEO who can help you make decisions on more complex matters.


Do you need technical SEO?

A portfolio site or a small service provider with 10 subpages usually does not need technical SEO. Google will understand what your intention is.

However, if your site has more than 5000 subpages, things get a little more exciting. Then it is important to deliver the most important content to the crawler faster and more comprehensibly. Google rewards structured data, speed, savings in crawl budget, etc.

If none of this means anything to you, you could use an SEO specialist.


For over a decade Ruslan has been my freelancer of choice for SEO, Drupal, UX, coffee... he can do it all *.
Simon Marqua Simon Marqua

Agency owner, TrafficDesign GmbH

Oh, this SEO guy is one of the few I would introduce to my new employer without reservation.
Philip Cambefort Philip Cambefort

Product Owner Shop Development, ROLLER

If you're looking for an SEO specialist who can also do Shopify - without full-bodied promises - you've come to the right place!
Jochen Weber Jochen Weber

Store owner, Germanysolingen.com

You want to leave something fine here too?

Contact me

SEO, Made in Cologne, Germany

Roasteries, hip cafés & bars, the epicenter of wokeness and kebapland. This is the place to be.

But even the nicest city in Germany gets a bit boring sometimes. So when I'm not at home, I like to work from Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin, Eastern Europe or Asia.

But never from Munich, that's too expensive square.

Relax, still no cookies!

Before contacting me: Checklist / FAQ

To avoid misunderstandings & disappointments in advance, here is a small overview of what I can offer you and what not:

Questions about my services:


Tend not to, but I'd be happy to remove your old agency's manual penalty again. Deal?

Of course, I'm happy to design a concept for you, which you can then use for sustainable link building, but buying classic backlinks .. nah.

Yep, that's where I like to snoop! If you have not already done so, I look at the following more closely:

  • Your log files: What does Google do where and how often?
  • Duplicates, on and off page. You won't believe how much garbage accumulates over time.
  • Analytics / Hotjar: Are your customers using the site the way YOU want them to?

Ruslan as a first name combined with a logo that includes a Z can certainly cause misunderstandings in the current situation in Ukraine. Of course, we don't want that to happen.

However, ChatGPT suggested this name to me in no time and I say why not?

* Except Asana