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Your SEO freelancer in Essen

Two thirds of my life I spend with website tinkering, since 13 years with focus on technical SEO.

If you need someone to relaunch your large online shop/portal, optimize your company's website or a multi-language site: I could be the right person.

Ruslan Julbarissow - Your SEO Freelancer in Essen

Disclaimer: Not every project has the visibility potential I want to invest time and effort in. Whether yours is one of them, I'll let you know honestly.

Overview of my SEO services

Technical SEO Audit

Analysis: In my technical SEO audits, I analyze all the key elements of your website. I uncover technical weaknesses, evaluate the website structure, meta tags, the speed of the page structure and other essential SEO components.

Optimization: Following the investigation, I dedicate myself to eliminating these problem areas, preferably in collaboration with your development team.

More about SEO Audits

Support for relaunches / domain changes / migrations

Conception: When relaunching a website, it is crucial to maintain your online presence and avoid a multitude of 400 errors. This is also an opportunity to refine your new web structure and clean up the Google directory.

Support afterwards: After the relaunch, I monitor the server logs and watch the search engine rankings to make sure nothing has been overlooked.

More about relaunch support

Shopify SEO

In recent years, the demand for Shopify SEO services has been growing. Unfortunately, Shopify still makes it difficult to fulfill basic SEO requirements without numerous apps.

Since then, I have worked on several stores and even created and fine-tuned a multilingual Shopify store for a client. The results speak for themselves!

SEO Monitoring

I'm happy to set up alerts for you, monitor your development and create(automated) Datastudio / Looker reports.

I am not an online marketing agency that charges 12 hours a month for their whitelabel report.

SEO sparring for freelancers & agencies

Four eyes often see more than two. I would be happy to join your Slack channel and provide advice.

It would be useful if you already have an SEO expert who is looking for support with trickier questions.

What does an SEO freelancer in Essen cost?

SEO AuditProBasicMini

Small (Shopify) stores without multilingualism with less than 500 items.

From 840€/ one-off
  • +GoogleIndex Checkup
  • +SearchConsole Checkup
  • +OnPage Checkup
  • +Schema.org Recommendations

SEO AuditProBasicMini

E-commerce stores with 500-2000 items or multilingual stores.

2800€/ one-off
  • +Total crawlincl. Javascript
  • Freflangsetup
  • +GoogleIndex Checkup
  • +SearchConsole Checkup

SEO AuditProBasicMini

Large online stores, portals with 2000+ subpages and complex problem children.

From 5600€/ one-off
  • +Everythingas in Basic
  • Logs analysis
  • +Multilanguageconception
  • +CrawabilityCheckup

Carefree package

Ensuring that nothing bangs with continuous optimization.

From 1200€/ month
  • +Optimizationof (non-) performers
  • +Continuoustweaks
  • +Observationrankings, visibility
  • +Supportvia Slack, mail etc.


For anyone who wants to book by the hour, without any transit times.

140€/ hour
  • +Sparring
  • +Mentoring
  • +Emergencies

Contact us now

Why is SEO in Essen important? What is SEO Essen?

It's mainly about these overloaded H2 headings that push the ranking in Essen. But frankly, if you're already overwhelmed with these terms and their value, then I'm certainly not the SEO guru your little 15-product store needs.

Essen SEO
All hand-drawn, Indian word of honor.

Facts about Essen

Yes, this is now topped with facts:

  • Green Capital 2017: Essen was awarded this title for its extensive green spaces and parks in urban areas.
  • Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex: A UNESCO World Heritage Site that represents Essen's industrial past and is now a versatile cultural location.
  • University of Duisburg-Essen: With over 40,000 students, it is one of the largest universities in Germany and promotes research and education.
  • Culinary diversity: Essen offers a wide range of culinary delights, from local to international dishes.
  • Business location: As part of the Ruhr region, Essen is home to major companies such as ThyssenKrupp, RWE and Evonik, which strengthen the economic power of the region.


Do you need technical SEO?

A portfolio site or a small service provider with 10 subpages usually does not need technical SEO. Google will understand what your intention is.

However, if your site has more than 5000 subpages, it gets a bit more exciting. Then it is important to deliver the most important content to the crawler faster and more comprehensible. Google rewards structured data, speed, savings of crawl budget, etc.

If none of this means anything to you, there could be potential.

SEO from the Ruhr Tower in Essen

If my own four walls in Cologne get a bit boring, I like to work from the Design Offices in Essen. The 22nd floor has a fabulous view. Come and visit me for a Stauder!

Otherwise you can sometimes find me in DüsseldorfFrankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin, Eastern Europe or Asia.

But never in Munich, that's too expensive square.


For over a decade Ruslan has been my freelancer of choice for SEO, Drupal, UX, coffee... he can do it all *.
Simon Marqua Simon Marqua

Agency owner, TrafficDesign GmbH

Oh, this SEO guy is one of the few I would introduce to my new employer without reservation.
Philip Cambefort Philip Cambefort

Product Owner Shop Development, ROLLER

If you're looking for an SEO specialist who can also do Shopify - without full-bodied promises - you've come to the right place!
Jochen Weber Jochen Weber

Store owner, Germanysolingen.com

You want to leave something fine here too?

Contact me